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Ultimate Prime Location Housing Singapore Guide [2024]

Prime Location Housing Singapore

Best Prime Location Housing Singapore

Welcome to the Ultimate Guide for Prime Location Housing in Singapore! If you’ve ever dreamed of living in HDB flats located in the heart of Singapore, you’re in the right place. Whether you’re a seasoned PLH flat owner or a newbie eyeing your first public housing in prime locations, we’ve got you covered.

The best tips before buying a resale PLH HDB BTO flat in Singapore are Eligibility Check, Find a Flat, Resale Checklist, Negotiation and Option to Purchase (OTP), Submit Application, Financial Planning, and Completion of Resale.

This guide is also for those who are planning to get into the resale PLH flats market or those who are curious about the transition from flats in prime to private residential property. But wait, there’s more. We’re also going to dive into the world of BTO flats and discuss how PLH flats remain inclusive for everyone, irrespective of their income group.

So, buckle up and get ready for an exciting journey to discover prime location housing in Singapore!

Quick Summary

  • Best tips before buying a resale PLH HDB BTO flat in Singapore are Eligibility Check, Find a Flat, Resale Checklist, Negotiation and Option to Purchase (OTP), Submit Application, Financial Planning, and Completion of Resale.
  • When considering prime location housing in Singapore, it’s essential to factor in aspects like proximity to amenities, connectivity, future growth potential, the price of the property, and the potential for high resale value.
  • In the context of Singapore, prime location housing embodies the blend of urban convenience and communal living, offering unparalleled access to a myriad of amenities and vibrant city life.

What Is the Prime Location Public Housing (PLH) Model?

What Is the Prime Location Public Housing (PLH) Model - Prime Location Housing Singapore
What Is the Prime Location Public Housing (PLH) Model

The Prime Location Public Housing (PLH) model in Singapore is a game-changing approach to public housing, particularly aimed at areas with high land value. Essentially, it involves the construction of high-density public residences in prime city locations that might otherwise be out of reach for the average Singaporean citizen. This model is part of the government’s commitment to ensuring affordable housing and fostering community diversity across Singapore’s cityscape. It’s a paradigm shift from traditional public housing schemes, striking a balance between affordability and location advantage. With PLH, Singaporeans have the opportunity to enjoy the perks of city living without the hefty price tag often associated with prime location housing.

Key Considerations

  • Affordability: While PLH aims to make prime location housing in Singapore more accessible, it’s important to assess your financial capabilities to manage the monthly mortgage payments and other related costs.
  • Accessibility: Prime location properties usually offer excellent access to public transportation, shopping centers, schools, and parks, enhancing quality of life.
  • Space: As these are high-density housings, units could be smaller than those on the outskirts. Ensure the space suits your lifestyle and family size.
  • Resale Value: Properties in prime locations typically hold their value well and may offer good resale potential.
  • Community Diversity: Living in a PLH development means living amidst a diverse community, which can be an enriching experience, but it’s also something to consider.
  • Future Developments: Keep an eye on future urban planning initiatives, as they may impact your living experience and the property value.

Who Can Buy PLH Flats in Singapore?

Who Can Buy PLH Flats in Singapore - Prime Location Housing Singapore
Who Can Buy PLH Flats in Singapore
  • Citizenship: Only Singaporean citizens are eligible to purchase PLH flats. Permanent Residents may apply only if they are forming a family nucleus with a Singaporean citizen.
  • Income Ceiling: There are specific income ceilings in place to ensure the affordability of these flats for lower to middle-income families. The exact amount varies based on the type of flat and your family nucleus.
  • Family Nucleus: Applicants must form a qualifying family nucleus, such as being married, being engaged, or having children.
  • First-Timer Applicants: First-time applicants are given priority over second-timers. These are applicants who have never received a housing subsidy before.
  • Owner-Occupier Requirement: Buyers are required to live in the flat for a minimum period before they can sell it on the open market. The minimum occupation period varies, but it is commonly set at 5 years.
  • Property Ownership: Applicants should not own or have disposed of any private residential properties within 30 months before the date of application for the flat.

Buying a New PLH HDB BTO Flat in Singapore

Buying a New PLH HDB BTO Flat in Singapore - Prime Location Housing Singapore
Buying a New PLH HDB BTO Flat in Singapore

Buying a new PLH HDB BTO (Build-To-Order) flat in Singapore involves several important steps:

  1. Eligibility Check: Before anything else, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria as mentioned above.
  2. Application: Once you’ve confirmed your eligibility, the next step is to apply for a flat. The Housing Development Board (HDB) regularly announces BTO sales launches. You can apply online on the HDB’s website during the application period.
  3. Flat Selection: Successful applicants will be invited to select a flat. The order of flat selection is based on the queue number assigned when your application was successful.
  4. Booking of Flat: Once you’ve selected your flat, you’ll need to book it by signing the Agreement for Lease and paying the booking fee.
  5. Financial Planning: Work out your finances, taking into consideration the various grants and loans available.
  6. Signing of Lease Agreement and Collection of Keys: After finalizing your finances, the next step is to sign the Lease Agreement. After the flat is completed, you’ll be invited to collect the keys to your new home.

Remember, buying a PLH HDB BTO flat is a big decision, so take your time to understand the process, the terms, and conditions, and consult with a professional if needed. Enjoy the journey to owning your dream home in a prime location in Singapore!

Overview of Ownership Conditions for PLH Flats

Overview of Ownership Conditions for PLH Flats - Prime Location Housing Singapore
Overview of Ownership Conditions for PLH Flats
  • Minimum Occupation Period (MOP): The MOP is a stipulated number of years (usually 5) that you must live in your PLH flat before it can be sold.
  • Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP): To promote racial harmony and community cohesion, the EIP sets a quota for the proportion of units that can be owned by different ethnic groups in each block/neighbourhood.
  • Private Property Ownership: PLH flat homeowners are not allowed to own private property both locally and overseas within the MOP.
  • Subletting: Restrictions are in place on subletting the whole flat during the MOP. After fulfilling the MOP, homeowners have the liberty to sublet, subject to HDB’s regulations.
  • Inheritance: Flats can be left as an inheritance, with priority given to immediate family members who meet the eligibility conditions to acquire the flat.

Remember, it’s essential to understand these conditions before purchasing a PLH flat. These conditions are in place to ensure that PLH flats remain accessible and affordable to Singaporeans, fostering a diverse and inclusive community in prime city locations.

Tips Before Buying a Resale PLH HDB BTO Flat

Tips Before Buying a Resale PLH HDB BTO Flat - Prime Location Housing Singapore
Tips Before Buying a Resale PLH HDB BTO Flat

1. Eligibility Check

As with the purchase of new flats, you’ll need to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria set by the Housing Development Board.

2. Find a Flat

Once you’ve confirmed your eligibility, you can start looking for a flat. There are several online platforms that list resale flats, or you can engage the services of a property agent.

3. Resale Checklist

The HDB provides a resale checklist that you need to go through before you commit to purchase a flat. This ensures you understand the policies related to resale flats.

4. Negotiation and Option to Purchase (OTP)

Once you’ve found a flat, you’ll negotiate the price with the seller, who will then grant you an Option to Purchase. This gives you a 21-day exclusive period to decide whether to buy the flat.

5. Submit Application

If you decide to proceed, you’ll need to submit a resale application online to HDB. Both the buyer and seller must submit their portions of the application.

6. Financial Planning

Just like with new flats, you’ll need to plan your finances – including securing a housing loan, making use of CPF housing grants if eligible, and preparing for the downpayment and other costs.

7. Completion of Resale

The completion of the resale is held at the HDB Hub. Both the buyer and seller are required to be present to sign the necessary documents. Once completed, the buyer will receive the keys to the flat.

Always remember to do your due diligence when buying a resale flat. Make sure to check the flat’s condition, understand the terms of the sale, and ensure that the flat can fulfil your housing needs.

Prime Location Housing Singapore

The journey to becoming PLH flat owners in Singapore is a structured process, making it feasible for subsequent flat buyers to navigate. The availability of new PLH flats in prime locations like the city centre offers a unique blend of convenience, accessibility, and the charm of city living. The robust housing model in Singapore ensures that owning a flat in these prime locations remains a realistic goal for many Singaporeans.

Furthermore, the flexibility allowed after meeting the MOP (Minimum Occupation Period), such as subletting, adds an extra layer of advantage to this housing model. However, it’s crucial to fully understand all conditions and consider your long-term housing needs before embarking on this significant investment.

Owning a prime location flat in Singapore can be a rewarding experience that offers a quality lifestyle and a sense of community, making it a worthwhile journey.

Since you’ve made it to the end, why don’t you check out more of our blog posts down below:

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions about Prime Location Housing Singapore, you can refer to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) below:

What are best tips before buying a resale PLH HDB BTO flat in Singapore?

Best tips before buying a resale PLH HDB BTO flat in Singapore are Eligibility Check, Find a Flat, Resale Checklist, Negotiation and Option to Purchase (OTP), Submit Application, Financial Planning, and Completion of Resale.

What is prime location public housing model Singapore?

The Prime Location Public Housing (PLH) model ensures that new public housing built in prime, central locations like the city centre and the Greater Southern Waterfront will remain affordable and accessible for Singaporeans.

Where are the prime locations in Singapore?

SINGAPORE – Just four towns for now will be considered prime locations for Housing Board public housing projects – the central area, Kallang/Whampoa, Queenstown, and Bukit Merah.

What is prime location in Singapore for BTO?

The Singapore government has also announced that only four HDB towns will be considered prime locations for now: the Central area, Queenstown, Kallang/Whampoa, and Bukit Merah.

What is considered a prime location?

A prime location is the most desirable location for a retail business or franchise. It is a place where the business can attract the most potential customers due to its accessibility, visibility, and level of foot traffic.

What are the options allowed after MOP for PLH flat owners?

After the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP), PLH flat owners have increased flexibility with their property. They can choose to sell their flat on the open market, sublet the entire flat, or even purchase private property while retaining their PLH flat.

What makes a new PLH flat in prime central locations like the city centre ideal for homeowners?

New PLH flats in prime central locations like the city centre offer unparalleled convenience and accessibility. With close proximity to business districts, retail amenities, recreational facilities, and great connectivity to public transportation, these prime location flats make urban living an exceptional experience.

What can we expect with the new public housing projects in the Greater Southern Waterfront?

The public housing projects in the Greater Southern Waterfront are expected to be a game-changer. Besides providing a vast number of new PLH flats, the area will feature abundant green spaces, waterfront promenades, and seamless connectivity to major commercial hubs, creating a vibrant living environment.

What are the main conditions for the purchase of prime location flats in Singapore?

The primary conditions for the purchase of prime location flats include eligibility requirements which depend on factors such as citizenship, family nucleus, income ceiling, and property ownership status. Additionally, owners must fulfil a Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) before they can sell or lease out the whole flat.

How does public housing projects in prime locations contribute to Singapore’s society?

Public housing projects in prime locations offer Singaporeans the opportunity to live in well-connected and vibrant districts at a more affordable cost. By fostering a diverse demographic within these areas, public housing promotes social cohesion and integration, contributing significantly to the overall societal fabric of Singapore.

Additional Useful Articles

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